模块  java.base
软件包  javax.security.auth

Class AuthPermission

  • 实现的所有接口

    public final class AuthPermissionextends BasicPermission
    此类用于身份验证权限。 AuthPermission包含名称(也称为“目标名称”)但没有动作列表; 您要么拥有命名权限,要么不拥有。

    目标名称是安全配置参数的名称(请参见下文)。 目前AuthPermission对象用于保护访问SubjectLoginContextConfiguration对象。


      doAs -                  allow the caller to invoke the                              Subject.doAs methods.      doAsPrivileged -        allow the caller to invoke the                              Subject.doAsPrivileged methods.      getSubject -            allow for the retrieval of the                              Subject(s) associated with the                              current Thread.      getSubjectFromDomainCombiner -  allow for the retrieval of the                              Subject associated with the                              a SubjectDomainCombiner.      setReadOnly -           allow the caller to set a Subject                              to be read-only.      modifyPrincipals -      allow the caller to modify the Set                              of Principals associated with a                              Subject      modifyPublicCredentials - allow the caller to modify the                              Set of public credentials                              associated with a Subject      modifyPrivateCredentials - allow the caller to modify the                              Set of private credentials                              associated with a Subject      refreshCredential -     allow code to invoke the refresh                              method on a credential which implements                              the Refreshable interface.      destroyCredential -     allow code to invoke the destroy                              method on a credential object                              which implements the Destroyable                              interface.      createLoginContext.{name} -  allow code to instantiate a                              LoginContext with the                              specified name.  name                              is used as the index into the installed login                              Configuration                              (that returned by                              Configuration.getConfiguration()).                              name can be wildcarded (set to '*')                              to allow for any name.      getLoginConfiguration - allow for the retrieval of the system-wide                              login Configuration.      createLoginConfiguration.{type} - allow code to obtain a Configuration                              object via                              Configuration.getInstance.      setLoginConfiguration - allow for the setting of the system-wide                              login Configuration.      refreshLoginConfiguration - allow for the refreshing of the system-wide                              login Configuration. 

    请注意,使用“modifyPrincipals”,“modifyPublicCredentials”或“modifyPrivateCredentials”目标授予此权限允许JAAS登录模块将主体或凭证对象填充到主题中。 虽然读取私有凭证集内的信息需要授予凭证类型PrivateCredentialPermission ,但读取主体集和公共凭据集内的信息不需要其他权限。 这些对象可能包含潜在的敏感信息。 例如,读取本地用户信息或执行Kerberos登录的登录模块能够将可能敏感的信息(例如用户ID,组和域名)添加到主体集中。


      createLoginContext -    allow code to instantiate a                              LoginContext. 
    Implementation Note:
    Serialized Form
    • 构造方法详细信息

      • AuthPermission

        public AuthPermission​(String name)
        创建具有指定名称的新AuthPermission。 该名称是AuthPermission的符号名称。
        name - AuthPermission的名称
        NullPointerException - 如果 namenull
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 name为空。
      • AuthPermission

        public AuthPermission​(String name,                      String actions)
        创建具有指定名称的新AuthPermission对象。 该名称是AuthPermission的符号名称,并且操作String当前未使用,应为null。
        name - AuthPermission的名称
        actions - 应为null。
        NullPointerException - 如果 namenull
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 name为空。